Saturday, April 26, 2008

Earth Day Celebration

Scientists are now reporting that global warming has become a serious threat to the Earth’s future. Reports indicate that the Earth’s surface temperature has risen .4 degrees Celsius in the last 25 years. This has grave implications for the Earth’s future. Fortunately, there are things you can do to slow global warming.
As an Information Technology student I can help stop global warming by conserving energy by reducing energy use like for example turning computers and television off when they are not in use, unplug cellphone chargers when not using. I will use fluorescent bulbs in my room and turn it off when I leave my room. During hot days, I will dress lightly to keep myself fresh instead of turning on the air condition or use a fan. I will encourage hand washing rather using the washing machine to wash clothes and hanging clothes in the sun to dry instead of using the dryer to dry them. Also, I will offer to help my parents keep the air filters on our air condition and furnace clean, I will walk short distances instead of asking for a ride in a car and lastly, I will plant trees in our yard. Trees will shade your home, reducing the need for air conditioning. Trees also drink up about one ton of CO2 during their lifetime.

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