Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Exercise 17: Blog 2

1.) what is the advantages & disadvantages of using search engines?
-The advantages of using this different search engines is that, we can easily access the information that we need. And we can get not only one information but more than we like.

-While on the other hand, if we keep on using seach engines, we can definitely become lazy in getting the information that we want, we will not going to thought of reading books for us to be able to get information. And using search engines, we can easily copy and paste the information that we want.

2.) compare and contrast individual search engines and meta search engines.
-The search results are generally presented in a list of results and are often called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files, while the meta search engines, it sends users to several other search engines and/or databases and aggregates the results into a single list or displays them according to their source. Meta search engines enable users to enter search criteria once and access several search engines simultaneously.

3.) when is it appropriate to use a search engine? when is it appropriate to use search/subject directory?
-If you are looking for different information in one topic, search engines is the most appropriate to use, because you can get lots of information when using it, while, if you are just searching for one topic, or a specific topic, you can use this subject directories because Subject directories are often called subject "trees" because they start with a few main categories and then branch out into subcategories, topics, and subtopics.

How to register in paypal

1. Go to www.paypal.com
2. In the homepage, you can see from left side of the page the "Account Login Box", just click on the button which says "Sign Up Now"
3. After clicking "Sign Up Now", choose first which country you belong and then there are three options to choose, if you are only shopping online, you can choose "Personal", and if you are buying and selling online, you can choose "Premier", and lastly, if you are a merchant who uses a company or group name, you may choose "Business".
4. Enter your information. Make sure that you choose a password that is a combination of words to ensure that it can't be guessed by a hacker (often a good idea is to pick a couple of words and place a number, such as a birthdate or street address in between). I suggest clicking "no" to Premium Account for now. You also need to click the box which indicates that you agree to the terms of use.
5. PayPal will send you an email.
6. Open the email and click on the link.
7. Enter the password you chose in Step 3 and click Continue.

History of the Internet

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My vote for the best blog-seedinteractive.blogspot.com^^

I vote for this blog, because this blog contains several digital artworks, as an IT students of Ateneo, I was amazed with his work, this blog contains also his daily experience of his life. And this person was good in editing images, and other fields of digital art.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


My MaGaZine UsiNg ThE AdObe IlluStraToR

Friday, September 5, 2008

_+Hi KaLLeNg+_

tHis is just a short comedy film. . . .
it is made by the people from Jolo. .
it is all about Kalleng. . . hope you like it. . .
enjoy. . .